By using products of Jersey Shore Aerial Solutuions's Products (Website, Social Media) you are adhering not only to Jersey Shore Aerial Solutions's Privacy Policy, but also those of the product you use... (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) and anywhere else where Jersey Shore Aerial Solutions's products may be displayed.
Information such as First and Last Name, Email, and Phone Number may be collected upon "Contacting Us". This information will be privately stored with only leadership of JSAS having the ability to access it to respond to inquiries. JSAS takes no responsibility for malicious use of private information if obtained maliciously.
Information such as First and Last Name, Email, and Phone Number may be collected upon "Contacting Us". This information will be privately stored with only leadership of JSAS having the ability to access it to respond to inquiries. JSAS takes no responsibility for malicious use of private information if obtained maliciously.